Sunday 27 March 2011

Useful Links

Here are links to some sites I've found useful:

1. The New York Times - straightforward reporting combined with some nice extra features.  I especially like their daily reactor-by reactor update page.  You need to register, but it's free.

2. NHK World English - All the latest updates from NHK in English.  Needless to say, they don't go very far out on a limb, but still a very good source of basic info (at least that which the government wants us to know.)

3. Daily Telephone Media Briefings by the Union of Concerned Scientists - You know, the folks who keep track of the nuclear war doomsday clock.  Three of their scientists (not so radical, but not bought and paid for by the nuclear lobby, either) hold a daily Q&A session with reporters, and the transcripts are posted on line.  Dry, non-sensational...and quite informative.

4. Daily Japanese government radiation readings (air and water) in English - Essential basic information for those of us trying to see how our areas are doing.

5. Daily wind direction and speed interactive map - Sometimes you do need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows :-)

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